The Spirit of Adventure


To Georgia for Wine

Anyone can go to Georgia to drink wine. It does not take any special skills. All you need to do is open your mouth! Where is the adventure in that?..

For the chosen few!

You are in for a fascinating journey ride through the valleys and mountains…

Reach for the stars

We have a super place there!..

Journey Beyond the Clouds

Travel through the passes of the Greater Caucasus: jeeps, horses, balloons. This you will not find anywhere!

Let`s Live It Up!

We will descend into karst caves, then climb on the top of the cliffs and save Prometheus! We will drink «hvanchkara» vine in Khvanchkara village!!!

Over the mountains of Georgia

Helicopter excursion “Over the mountains of Georgia”

On The Trail Of The Argonauts

Fantastic Journey which covers Greece, Turkey and Georgia..

Wonderful winter

Buy a ticket, get on a plane, and wing your way to Mestia.

The Great Oriental Tour

Four countries in one trip: Iran, Azerbaijan, Georgia and Armenia! Do not be jealous, just join and go!

Harmony of Contrasts

When you arrive in Baku, you immediately find yourself in a holiday atmosphere…

Ara, vay-vay!

As soon as you arrive in Armenia, you discover that many of the most important events in human history began right here…

From Poland to Norway in a gas balloon
Sky Travel is DMC in Georgia since 2005. We specialize in Leisure, Luxury Adventure and all kinds of Tailor Made tours in Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan.
We are Serandipians DMC partner, ICAO registered airline.
We stand out of the competition, we are different. We create unique intellectual and highly technical products. In FIT and Tailor Made fields we are number one in our country because we are the ONLY ONES!